Humanity Must Move Beyond Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt
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Noen ganger kan man strekke strikken for langt
WHO prøvde å få folk til å tvile på sine egne opplevelser av virkelighetenKlikk her for å lese artikkel. (3 min.) . . . . .
The Impending US ICD Vaccine Passport and Its Unconstitutionality
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That’s Science? Congress Must Probe The Rationale For COVID Mask Mandates
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Timeline: The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2
Klikk her for å lese artikkel. (56 min.) . . . . .
Engineered, Yes, but in the Wuhan Lab?
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Distinguished oncologist Masanori Fukushima, emeritus professor at Kyoto University, excoriated the health bureaucrats’ secrecy and negligence
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Davos Plans For The Next Pandemic – Suggests National Digital Infrastructures To Track Vaccination
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Requiem for Jacinda Ardern’s Political Life
Klikk her for å lese artikkel. (4 min.) . En tyrrannisk teknokrat ute av politikken 🙂 Idag ble verden et litt bedre sted. . .
CDC Knowingly Left Serious Adverse Events Off Post-Vaccination Surveys, Documents Show
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World Economic F*ck’em
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The Re-education of Dr Sally Price
Klikk her for å lese artikkel. (6 min.) . . . . .