Vi er i ferd med å signere vekk vårt demokrati, våre frie valg og vår ytringsfrihet.
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The UN’s New Political Declaration on Pandemics
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The Dirty Secret About How Masks Really “Work”
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Britain To Imprison People For Not Complying with Net Zero
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Global WHO digital health certification
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Resistance Isn’t Futile: The Global Rejection Of CBDCs
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Nazi Albert Speer Warned The West About The Rise Of Technocracy
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«Once You Start Censoring, You’re On Your Way To Dystopia And Totalitarianism»
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Globalistene vil endre samfunnet fundamentalt – og dette skjer i høyt tempo
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The Politicization of Banking and the End of Freedom
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UK Considered Mandating Killing Of All Pet Cats To Stop COVID
Klikk her for å lese artikkel. (3 min.) . Når de sinnsyke styrer… . .
Vil de folkevalgte avvikle rettsstaten?
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U.S. Government Negotiates Deal to Give WHO Authority Over U.S. Pandemic Policies
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The ‘Woke’ Brigade Has Come For Roald Dahl’s Books
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War itself is a Crime – it is legalized mass murder
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