Swift Ends Cryptocurrency Access to Global Marketplace
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Glenn Diesen:
Tysklands politikk et lærestykke i selvskadingKlikk her for å lese artikkel. (5 min.) . . . . .
Carbon Credits Are the Biggest Scam Since Indulgences—How You Can Avoid Being Fleeced
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Covid-19: En global finansoperasjon
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Injecting Vaccines into the Food Supply – Why?
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Are State Economic Conditions a Harbinger of a National Recession?
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Vi må ut av EØS-avtalen snaret:
Det finnes ikke noe som heter «like konkurransevilkår»Klikk her for å lese artikkel. (3 min.) . . . . .
2023: You Wanted Endless Stimulus, You Got Stagflation
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Europe, the American Vassal: Europe imposes Sanctions on themselves, Forcing a Depression
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Whats’s Agenda 21 / 2030 and Why Should I Care?
Klikk her for å gå til Democrats Against U.N. Agenda 21. . . . . .
Accelerated Crash Course
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UN Demands $2 Trillion A Year From Rich Countries For ‘Climate Justice’
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How Elites Will Create a New Class of Slaves
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Day 1: We Were Warned About Technocracy Day 2: Academic Backing Of Technocracy Day 3: Technocracy In Europe And America Day 4: Technocracy Vs. Communism/Socialism, […]
Danielle DiMartino Booth & Keith McCullough 03.09.2022
Klikk her for å se video. (59 min.) . . . . .