China: The World’s First Technate – Part 2
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Why China Sucks: It’s a Beta-Test For The New World Order
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The Virus Response is Wrecking China’s Economic Prospects
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Xi’s inhumane lockdowns and the unrest they’ve provoked point to much deeper troubles
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Xi Jinping’s vulgar display of power – and its target – was intended specifically for you and me
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China: The World’s First Technate – Part 1
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Davos-sjef: – Kina vil være en «rollemodell» i den «systemiske transformasjonen» av verden
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The Mask Is Off: WEF’s Klaus Schwab Declares China A «Role Model»
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Russian Defense Promotional Film Shows Military Plane Blowing Up Chinese Warship
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Day 1: We Were Warned About Technocracy Day 2: Academic Backing Of Technocracy Day 3: Technocracy In Europe And America Day 4: Technocracy Vs. Communism/Socialism, […]
China Congress Ends As «Dictator For LIfe» Xi Stacks Inner Circle With Loyalists
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US Intelligence Warning: China Escalating Influence Operations
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Russland lider på ingen måte av sin kvasi-allianse med Kina
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