Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe
Klikk her for å se video. (25 min.) .
Modern US Warmongering Is Scaring Henry Kissinger
Klikk her for å lese artikkel. (3 min.) . . . . .
Mark Moss/Alex Svetski (Global Elite’s Marxist Agenda And How To Stop It)
Klikk her for å se video. (63 min.) .
Checking the Fact Checkers
Klikk her for å se video. (61 min.) .
Message to CEOs
Klikk her for å se video. (25 min.) .
Cometh The Horsemen
Klikk her for å se video. (83 min.) .
Reflections On The Sorry State of Canada
Klikk her for å se video. (22 min.) .
Neil Oliver – ‘…they’re pretending like it never happened’
Klikk her for å se video. (5 min.) .
How the West brought economic disaster on itself
Klikk her for å se video. (38 min.) .
Macron’s Minority Government Defeated on Vaccine Passports
Klikk her for å lese artikkel. (3 min.) .
«Globalism: The Biggest Threat to America»
Klikk her for å se video. (10 min.) .
The End Of The European Colonial Powers & The Tyranny Of Physics
Klikk her for å lese artikkel. (3 min.) .
The causes and consequences of the Ukraine war
Klikk her for å se video. (127 min.) .