Kennedy & Eisenhower on the Military Complex
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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspenderer kampanjen og støtter Trump
Klikk her for å se video. (Starter på 62 min. i video)
The Psychological Significance of the Biblical Stories
by Jordan Peterson Introduction to the Idea of GodChaos & OrderGod and the Hierarchy of AuthorityAdam and Eve: Self-Consciousness, Evil, and DeathCain and Abel: The […]
An Invitation to the Future
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Back Off, Oh Masters of the Universe
Klikk her for å se video. (25 min.) .
Message to CEOs
Klikk her for å se video. (25 min.) .
Jordan Peterson’s Critique of the Communist Manifesto
Klikk her for å se video. (30 min.) .
On the Vital Necessity of Free Speech
Klikk her for å se video. (31 min.) .